Thursday 26 June 2008

Jessica Simpson Talks Tony Romo

The relationship between pop star Jessica Simpson and football star Tony Romo seems to be of endless interest to the general public. Which explains why the co-hosts of “The View” took the time to hear some semi-syrupy statements from the singer on Wednesday.

There have long been rumors that Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo are barely surviving as a couple or that they have split up altogether but he blonde-haired singer took the time Wednesday morning, while talking with Barbara Walters on “The View,” to explain how much she and her boyfriend are in love.

Asked about distant or perhaps nearer wedding bells, Simpson made a quick mathematical exercise and explained, “We’ve been together for … seven to almost eight months now.”

“I don't really know about wedding bells … I still love him, and I’m still with him, so that’s a good sign,” the singer said, thus denying speculation that they have separated.

Simpson, 27, and the Dallas Cowboys star, 28, have been tabloid fodder ever since they first appeared in public. Not much of the attention has been kind. It was most unkind when several consecutive appearances of hers at Romo’s games coincided with bad results for his team, leading his fans to say she jinxed him.

The hostile reaction seems to not deter Simpson from standing by her man, as she said Wednesday that she will be back in the stands when Romo’s team kicks off the football season in September.

Simpson also had kind words to say about her younger sister, singer Ashlee Simpson, who is married to Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz and expecting her first baby. “She sent me a picture of her belly. She’s popping, it’s so cute,” she exclaimed.

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